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Derniers développements concernant la fermeture du département de philosophie à Middlesex (màj 26 mai 2010)

mercredi 26 mai 2010, par Elie, Mathieu

(24 mai)
A la suite des manifestations contre la suppression du département de philosophie, des mesures de rétorsion ont été prises contre certains enseignants chercheurs et étudiants.
Une pétition est mise en place, et un rassemblement est prévu le 27 mai.

Vous pouvez envoyer très vite ce message signé avec vos titres et votre institution en soutien aux enseignants chercheurs suspendus :

"Board of Governors

Middlesex University

The Burroughs

London NW4 4BT

Dear members of the Board of Governors,

The abrupt closure of all the programs of Philosophy at Middlesex for unwarranted reasons is a huge mistake, a shameful self-mutilation unworthy of a true university. It has raised a strong international solidarity with the members of the highly estimated Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy.

The unbearable and irresponsible new decision of Middlesex’s management to suspend two professors, along with a number of Middlesex philosophy students that defended themselves publicly and pacifically, seriously aggravates the situation. This frightening threat to academic freedom is going to raise more stronger support to resist it.

It is your responsibility to help resolve all this crisis, starting with the immediate withdrawal of the suspension orders.



Voici les adresses auxquelles faire parvenir le message : ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;

- Le 5 mai, Eric Alliez, Peter Hallward, Mark Kelly, Christian Kerslake, Peter
Osborne et Stella Sandford ont envoyé une lettre à tous ceux qui les ont soutenus contre la fermeture du département de philosphie de Middlesex University, appellant à poursuivre la mobilisation.

Dear all,

Thank you so much to everyone who has written to protest the closure of
Philosophy at Middlesex. The international support for the campaign has
been a tremendous boost (over 10 000 signatures/petition ; over 800
protest letters sent to the ’Executives’) ; Middlesex students & staff
are mobilising quickly, and the administration now has a real fight on
their hands.

The campaign blog has been moved to It
includes regular updates, press links and a small sampling of the many
hundreds of letters of support we’ve received. We’ll be reorganising and
expanding it in the coming days.

Earlier this afternoon (Tues 4 May) around 40 students decided to occupy
the Board Room (opposite the Dean’s office) of the Middlesex Trent Park
campus, after Dean Ed Esche and Deputy Vice-Chancellor Margaret House
cancelled a meeting scheduled for 10:30am. See
and the campaign Facebook page
( for more

If you can get to London tomorrow, especially if you’re planning to take
part in one of the various strikes & UCU rallies, PLEASE COME TO SUPPORT
THE STUDENT OCCUPATION and to celebrate Philosophy at Middlesex at our
annual Philosophy Society party, Weds 5 May from 4:30pm. The
party/rally will be taking place in The Drawing Room (M005) in the
Mansion Building of the Trent Park campus ; directions below.

yours in solidarity,

Eric Alliez, Peter Hallward, Mark Kelly, Christian Kerslake, Peter
Osborne, Stella Sandford

- Le 9 mai, un article est paru dans The Guardian intitulé : "Middlesex University cuts spark international protest from philosophers"

- Le Department of Romance Studies de Cornell University a envoyé une lettre de protestation à l’administration centrale de Middlesex University. Voir le document joint.

- De même, le comité exécutif de la Canadian Society for Continental Philosophy / Société canadienne de philosophie continentale a envoyé la lettre de protestation ci-dessous.

Dear Ed Esche,

I write to you on behalf of the Canadian Society for
Continental Philosophy, whose membership of around 200
includes professors and researchers from Canada and around
the world. We host an annual, international conference and
publish a scholarly journal entitled Symposium.

We, the Society’s executive committee, would like to
register our dismay and disappointment regarding your recent
recommendation, and your university’s subsequent decision,
to close Middlesex University’s philosophy department. The
consequences of the closure will have a profoundly negative
impact on those currently associated with your philosophy
department, of course, but Middlesex University as a whole
will doubtless suffer as well. Indeed, It is difficult to
imagine a university without a philosophy department – and a
strong humanities programme more generally. It is even more
difficult to imagine Middlesex as a successful institution
of higher learning stripped of its most successful and
distinguished teachers and researchers.

As you know, Middlesex’s philosophy department is one of its
highest RAE-ranked departments. A great number of its
members’ publications enjoy international acclaim, many
world renowned figures teach there, and many successful
academic philosophers were trained there. A serious
institution of higher learning need look no further than
these criteria to ensure its reputation. To look elsewhere
for criteria of success is not to be “forward-looking” or
“innovative” in “difficult financial times” ; it is to
sacrifice the mission of the university as such as a
socially necessary institution.

We ask you to reconsider your decision to close Middlesex
University’s philosophy department. Not only would its
closure have a direct impact on its staff and target
clientele, it would have a profoundly negative impact on
Middlesex’s international reputation.

Yours faithfully,

Iain Macdonald, President of the Canadian Society for
Continental Philosophy
Professeur agrégé
Département de philosophie
Université de Montréal

Antonio Calcagno, Editor-in-chief of Symposium, Secretary
Assistant Professor of Philosophy
King’s University College at the University of Western Ontario

Jeff Mitscherling, Treasurer
Department of Philosophy
University of Guelph

Christine Daigle, Member-at-large
Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy
Brock University

Lorraine Markotic, Member-at-large
Associate Professor
Faculty of Humanities
University of Calgary

Marie-Eve Morin, Member-at-large
Assistant Professor
Department of Philosophy
University of Alberta

Martin Desrosiers, Graduate student representative
Ph.D. candidate
Département de philosophie
Université de Montréal

- Le 13 mai paraît, sur spiked-online, un article intitulé ‘Yes we Lacan’ : the revolt of philosophy students de Patrick Hayes, cofondateur de l’Institute of Ideas’ Current Affaires Forum et coorganisateur du festival Battle of Ideas.
Patrick Hayes is a co-founder of the Institute of Ideas’ Current Affairs Forum and one of the organisers of the Battle of Ideas festival.